The Pembroke Regional Hospital Foundation is delighted to announce their Catch the Ace progressive jackpot raffle – Week #28 winner presented by OK Tire Pembroke! Congratulations to Steven Thompson of Manotick, on winning our weekly pot amount of $13,993.00, after his ticket #BB-13126324 card #42, revealed the 3 of Spades after being selected through the online random generator.
Roger Martin, PRHF Executive Director, shared that the Catch the Ace Week #29 draw has launched with an estimated jackpot amount of over $300,000 if the Ace is caught.
“A big thank you to our presenting sponsor, OK Tire! Their support allows even more of the funds raised through catch the ace to go directly to the purchase of new equipment at PRH. We are pleased to announce that in just twenty-eight weeks you have raised over $444,000.00 for the hospital. So far you have funded 10 new hospital beds at the PRH, valued at $117,170.00 and a new Ultrasound machine for the Diagnostic Imaging Department at PRH, valued at $200,000.00. We will now be moving ahead to fund an additional Ultrasound Machine as currently the hospital is in need of 4 total,” Roger added.
To purchase your tickets, visit Tickets are also available at our cash sale locations during their business hours – Holiday Inn Express, Cork Culture, NRTC Communications (Petawawa), Bumpy Roads Studio (downtown Pembroke) and Making Seasons Bright.
The Pembroke Regional Hospital Foundation Catch the Ace raffle features a guaranteed weekly prize and a progressive jackpot that goes to the winner who catches the Ace of Spades. Ticket prices are as follows: 3/$5; 10/$10, 50/$20 and 250/$40 giving you the chance to win both the weekly prize and the progressive jackpot. Fifty per cent of ticket sales go towards the hospital’s highest priority equipment needs.
On behalf of your Pembroke Regional Hospital Foundation, PRH and its Board of Directors, we wish to thank our community and donors for their unwavering support and generosity.
Roger Martin, Executive Director
Pembroke Regional Hospital Foundation
(613) 732-2811, extension 6223
Facebook: @PembrokeRegionalHospitalFoundation