Monthly Giving Club

The Pembroke Regional Hospital Foundation’s Monthly Giving Club is a supportive group of caring individuals who commit to making a monthly donation to advance health care here at home.  Our monthly giving program is an easy and effective way to spread your generosity over the entire year and helps to grow quality health care services and upgrade equipment at your Pembroke Regional Hospital.  


By signing up to become a Monthly Giver you are helping the Pembroke Regional Hospital deliver programs and services that improve the health and quality of living for over 100,000 people across the Ottawa Valley.


Every monthly donation contributes to an ongoing source of confidence for our community as we can count on members like to you to help us fund specialized and ongoing programs. Regular donations help us plan ahead and make big shifts for healthcare and quality of life in the Valley.


The best way to get involved is to BECOME A MONTHLY GIVER by filling out our simple online form. Another great way to help is to spread awareness by sharing this page on social media and with others in your network. Together we can make a big difference!


 How do I become a Monthly Giver?

CLICK HERE to go to our online Donor Sign-Up form.

You will be asked how much you would like to donate per month and which method you would like to use (credit card or automatic withdrawal from your bank account). Simply fill out the form and once submitted you will receive an email confirmation with a tax receipt.

TIP: When using a credit card there are additional processing fees (for which you are given the option to cover, or request that we cover on your behalf). Choosing “Direct Debit” (or ‘direct bank transfer’) helps all of us keep our costs low, letting your dollars go further for our foundation.

What benefits are there for me?

Aside from feeling good knowing that your ongoing donations are making a BIG IMPACT for our community and everyone’s access to quality healthcare close to home – you also benefit from receiving downloadable TAX RECEIPTS which you can claim at the end of the year. For instance:

  • Donating $10/month becomes a tax receipt of $120.00.
  • Donating $25/month becomes a tax receipt of $300.00.
  • Donating $50/month becomes a tax receipt of $600.00.

That means that you are more likely get more money back on your taxes because you gave to a charitable cause. Everybody wins!

Where does the money go?

With the current need to upgrade or replace equipment across many departments of the hospital, continuous monthly support lets our Hospital map out a path to improving the state-of-the-art comprehensive health care offered locally. Be it knowing when the funds are available to purchase new ventilators or crash carts, or anticipating the funds required for heart monitors, monthly giving lets us build a healthier future together with methodical planning.

Other questions?

Contact our team at: [email protected] we’ll be happy to respond!


How your donations make a difference...

Meet Scott Campbell, a young resident of the Pembroke area who has a rare heart condition that brought him and his family to the Pembroke Regional Hospital where he received life-saving support thanks to the equipment and programs available right here in his community. 

These and other life-saving, continuous care stories are made possible because of your ongoing and regular donations to our Foundation.

It takes less than 3 minutes to sign-up as a monthly donor and makes a lifetime of difference to our patients and their families.

Thank you for giving back in such a meaningful way!