NRTC Dials into MRI

NRTC Dials into MRI
Photo: Left to Right- Don Carnegie, President NRTC Communications- Steve Lynn, General Manager- Martha Overton, Office Manager- Nancy Warren, Executive Director PRF Foundation-Dr. Kevin Roach, MRI Campaign Cabinet-Bob Cotnam, MRI Campaign Chair





The Eganville Leader Publishing Ltd. is the latest Renfrew County business to come forward with a donation to the Pembroke Regional Hospital Foundation’s MRI Image Matters campaign.


Leader Publisher Gerald Tracey and his wife, Wanda announced Friday the Leader will contribute $50,000 to the campaign. The donation is comprised of a cash donation of $25,000 and $25,000 in in-kind services, such as advertising, to encourage others to donate to the fund, and to support the various fundraising events planned throughout the campaign.


The Traceys said that because the Leader is a county-wide newspaper and they wanted to support a cause every resident of Renfrew County could benefit from, the decision to choose the MRI fund was an easy one.

  • Post category:Donations