The Miramichi Lodge Auxiliary Makes Donation

The Miramichi Lodge Auxiliary has donated $3,000 to the Pembroke Regional Hospital Foundation’s MRI campaign. The Miramichi Lodge Auxiliary has donated $3,000 to the Pembroke Regional Hospital Foundation’s MRI campaign. Their names follow in the description of the picture below. Accepting the donation were PRHF Director Barb Schoof and Donor Relations Coordinator, Greg Junop.

The Miramichi Lodge Auxiliary
(front row from left): Rose Langley, Arabella Prescott, Alix Delahaye, Bea Spink, Joan Anderson, Janet Campbell, Joyce Smith, Greg Junop. (back row from left): Margaret Cavenagh, Vi Schultz, Margie Moore, Delta Neville, Jean Edwards, Elaine Bucholtz, Ethel Behm, Enid Holland, Marilyn Zadow, June Syrie, Barb Schoof.


  • Post category:Donations