The Foundation hosted its first ever Comedy & Dance Night on Friday, April 28th at the Clarion Hotel. It was a fun filled evening from start to finish, where guests were treated to a laugh-out-loud comedy show by Yuk Yuk’s own Adrian Cronk and Graham Kay, followed by a dance with live music by Ben Rutz & Matt Gagné, along with a live auction.
Our wonderful committee of volunteers worked tirelessly to launch the Broken Bones Raffle in conjunction with the Comedy & Dance Night: thanks to generous sponsors and donors, there were five exciting prize packages to be won.
Congratulations to our winners!
1st Prize, Maxilla Adventure Package – Dawn Howard
2nd Prize, Tibia Nature Lover Package – Bang Oh
3rd Prize, Humerous Ottawa Getaway Package – Travis Wright
4th Prize, Palatine Local Gourmet Package – Laura Chiasson
5th Prize, Femoral Gala Package – Dean Sauriol
This dedicated group of volunteers worked hard to make it a successful first Comedy & Dance night. Thanks to all of their time and effort, the event was sold out and together we raised $15,731.00 (net) for the Cutting Edge Campaign, which is funding the Orthopaedic equipment and the revamping of our circa 1950 surgical in-patient rooms.
Thank you to everyone who attended!