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Lion’s Club Donates $5,000 to Community Health

(Pembroke) Pembroke-Petawawa Lions Club recently donated $5,000 to the Pembroke Regional Hospital Foundation’s Cutting Edge Campaign.

“Running community activities like Bingo and Lions Breakfast helps us unite the community for a good cause,” said Jackie Cotton, Lions Club President. “The money we raise at these events has allowed us to give back to the local causes that benefit our community.”

Having invested nearly $37,000 to date, towards advancing local health care, the Lions Club is no stranger to driving positive community change. They contributed to the Pembroke Regional Hospital expansion in 2005, helped bring home a new CT scanner in 2010 and an MRI in 2014, and their newest contribution to the Cutting Edge Campaign will fund orthopaedic equipment and surgical floor upgrades.

Receiving the donation was PRHF Executive Director, Nancy Warren. “Thanks to community groups like the Lions Club, local families can access the medical diagnostic tools and treatments they need, closer to home. With our March 1st Radiothon approaching, we are halfway to our $2.5 million Cutting Edge Campaign goal and I encourage community groups to help shape their local health care by finding creative ways to fundraise for their Hospital.”

Donations towards the Cutting Edge Campaign are welcome at any time and can be made by contacting the Foundation Office at 613-732-2811 ext. 7408 or online.

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