Image Matters | MRI Fundraising Campaign

PEMBROKE (ON) – The Pembroke Regional Hospital Foundation (PRHF) formally launched the public phase of its MRI fundraising campaign Thursday, having already secured half of the fundraising goal.


“Now we are stepping into the spotlight,” said Bob Cotnam, Chair of the MRI: Image Matters campaign and the PRHF.  “We have been touched by the generosity in helping to realize this goal so far.  From in-memoriam donations, to large private gifts, and ongoing pledges and partnerships, we are fortunate that our community is so dedicated to improving healthcare for all in Renfrew County.”


Both past and present PRHF Image Matters campaign team members worked quietly with partners to secure the $2.25 million prior to going public with the campaign launch.  While the provincial government will provide the annual operating costs for the equipment ($800,000), it is up to the local community to raise the $4.5 million needed to purchase and install an MRI.  To do so, MRI: Image Matters will now fan out across the Ottawa Valley to engage the public and bring comprehensive healthcare closer to home.  The first fundraising event will be the seventh annual Black and White Gala held in support of MRI, October 13, 2012 at the Normandy Officers’ Mess at CFB Petawawa.


“An MRI within our Diagnostic Imaging Department will be an enormous benefit for our community and the Ottawa Valley,” said Dr. Fred Matzinger, Chief of Diagnostic Imaging.  “Not only will this reduce wait and travel times, and greatly strengthen our diagnostic imaging tools, it means we can detect abnormalities and make diagnoses that may not be possible without MRI.  An accurate timely diagnosis will help to minimize patient stress and improve quality of care in our area.”


MRI Public Launch Collage

The fundamental advantage of MRI technology is that it provides significantly greater contrast between the different tissues of the body than computed tomography (CT).  MRI images are obtained non-invasively and without radiation.  MRI is especially useful in imaging the brain, spine and spinal cord, the musculoskeletal system, and in oncologic (cancer) identification.  It is the imaging tool of choice in detecting joint injuries, tumors of the brain and spine, seizure disorders, multiple sclerosis and many forms of cancer.


”Each donation goes towards improving the lives of the people throughout the Ottawa Valley,” shared Pierre Noel, President and CEO of Pembroke Regional Hospital.  “From CFB Petawawa to Griffith, Barry’s Bay to Calabogie, Beachburg to Rolphton, and Renfrew to Pembroke, MRIs mean faster and more accurate diagnoses.  It also means more surgeries.  We have the technology to perform a greater number of surgeries, but were unable to do so due to lack of an MRI, and this will maximize our tools currently available while securing a brighter, healthier future.”


Throughout the coming weeks and months, the PRHF will be celebrating those who have made the campaign successful so far.  Together with our media partners, we will be honouring and thanking the donors on a regular basis, so stay tuned!



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